We are delighted to unveil our latest work: Whac-A-Mole.
COLL.EO, Whac-A-Mole, 2015. Installation view, Incline Gallery, San Francisco
The installation comprises the following elements:
- Whac-A-Mole (five ceramic figurines - 5 in tall each -, one wooden mallet 10 x 4 in and a wood pedestal, measuring 42 x 16 x 16 inches (H x W x L);
- Homeless in SimCity (after dmex) (framed digital print, 11 x 17 inches);
- SimHomeless, fifteen ceramic sculptures, measuring 5 inches (H).
The piece is accompanied by “The Cure for Homeless… Details inside ;-)” (digital video, color, stereo, 15’, in loop, with English subtitles, 2015) by Matteo Bittanti.
In “The Cure for Homeless… Details inside ;-)” a robo-voice performs a thread (i.e. chapter) from Matteo Bittanti’s How to get rid of homeless (Concrete Press, 2015).
This new work is currenty on display at Incline Gallery in San Francisco as part of The Dissidents, The Displaced, and The Outliers exhibition, from May 16 till June 19, 2015.
In The Dissidents, the Displaced, and the Outliers, Bay Area artists Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, Eliza Barrios, COLL.EO, Leslie Dreyer, Tom Loughlin, and Elizabeth Travelslight present work focusing on the convergence of privacy and gentrification unique to the Bay Area, in particular the impact of surveillance technology and the digital economy on housing security, wealth inequality, and discrimination. Organized by the Bay Area Society for Art & Activism in partnership with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and staged at Random Parts, and Incline Gallery, The Dissidents, the Displaced, and the Outliers, is a transbay visual art exhibition curated by Dorothy R. Santos.
Incline Gallery is located at 766 Valencia St, San Francisco, California, 94110.
The opening reception is scheduled for Saturday May 16, 2015, between 5-9 pm.
Artwork below:
COLL.EO, Homeless in SimCity (after dmex), 2015, framed digital print, 11 x 17 inches.
COLL.EO, SimHomeless, 2015, fifteen ceramic sculptures, measuring 5 inches (H).
COLL.EO, A New American Dream, 2014, digital image, 11 x 17 inches.
COLL.EO's Whac-A-Mole.
Whac-a-Mole INSTALLATION at Incline Gallery
The San Francisco Chronicle on The Dissidents, The Displaced, and the Outliers